The discovery of Biblical Identity prompts us to engage in the great commission

We are called to serve families that need to help to grow in Christ’s leadership.
We must to prepare disciples, who are then ready to prepare disciples through the teaching and modeling the words and deeds of Jesus.
This MUST first take place within our families. Christ and Christ led families are The Strong Foundation upon which prosperous, thriving, tight-knit communities and hometowns are built. As our families are strengthened, those families pour into our communities. Communities in turn, pour into our towns or cities which pour into the state and beyond. With this as our motivation for all things, we can shape the world into the model left us by Christ. And it all starts at home. We are committed to this calling in the following areas.


I : There is a need for a curriculum focused on the Male experience.

Manhood is in a state of crisis and has been for some time.
There are statistics that show how the crime rates, unemployment, and even education level are all affected by the declining rate of engaged fathers in the home. Broken families cause chaos that is felt through all age groups and social classes. Men are struggling with purity, accountability, authority, provision and many other areas that all speak to a loss of identity and definition. What does an honorable and authentic man look like? The Bible gives us many examples and models of manhood. Using both positive and negative examples we put together a Biblical definition of manhood and masculinity. There is a definitive definition and our goal is to help men of all ages discover it. This curriculum, currently labeled Caleb Strong (CS) will be appropriately targeted for women of all age groups.

The Mission of Caleb Strong and is to Help Men of every age, discover the Biblical definition of Manhood, and define appropriate levels of Responsibility, Authority, and Leadership.


II : There is a need for a curriculum focused on the Female experience.

Women struggle in many of the same ways that men do. Their experience is equally valued but definitively unique. Scripture has examples of women who have struggled with leadership, provision and purity as much as men. What is the Biblical model for women? The Bible informs us in chapters like Proverbs 31, how to guide our women. Mentoring materials will be developed from those sections of scripture and from partnerships with honorable women. This curriculum, currently labeled Esther Strong (ES) will be appropriately targeted for women of all age groups.

The Mission of Esther Strong is to Help Women of every age, discover the Biblical definition of Womanhood, and define appropriate levels of Responsibility, Authority, and Leadership.


III : All curriculum needs to need to be developed under one family focused umbrella. The working label for this non-profit organization is Foundations in Ministry, or (TSF).

TSF, will combine the curriculum ideas above under one parent organization. The overall focus is the strengthening of our identity in Christ, starting with the family. TSF curriculum recognizes separate but equally important identity issues and targets those under the respective labels of Caleb Strong and Esther Strong. However, TSF will focus on our mutual identity as followers of Jesus, who is the foundation for all our learning and family focused training materials.

The Mission of is to Build Strength of Character, at every age (children through adulthood), through the discovery of Biblical Identity, to prepare individuals and families for Active Engagement in our immediate Areas of Influence, with appropriate levels of Responsibility, Authority, and Leadership in order to Strengthen our Families, Communities and beyond, as Servant Leaders.


We believe that the most atomic (or smallest effective unit) structure for this country (and, by extension, this world) is the individual. By training up individuals to Actively Engage their own personal arena, we start a chain reaction that can effect change in the whole united community.


IV: We must begin to effect change where we have been granted influence.

Within our current communities, we already have opportunities to be Servant Leaders and to disciple men, women and families. Communities include neighborhoods, schools, churches, recreation spaces and work. In those communities, we can start new engagement groups that will allow us to mentor, and speak life into others. If you become more involved with your communities and you will begin to see opportunities to serve others. These groups have also been called “DNA groups” or “small groups”, or "faith communities".


About Us.

We are creating an online gateway for Foundations in Ministry (FIM)'s collection of community engagement programs. Our communities are founded on the principles of Jesus's teachings and we hope to engage in our areas of influence to encourage everyone to accept active responsibility, authority, and leadership.

Please, visit often, or simply sign up for our email alerts, and we'll keep you informed on new community launches.

If you feel drawn to this mission, We would love your company on this journey. With prayer filled consideration, please contact us on the Contact Us page. And please pray for us as we launch new efforts from our roots as into what is to become and Foundations in Ministry.

Community Sites:

Men, discover the Biblical definition of Manhood, and define appropriate levels of Responsibility, Authority, and Leadership.

Find the truth of Scripture for every age.

Level up your Life game. Discover how Man Skilz can teach you valuable life skills through adventure, communication, adulting, and faith.


Contact Numbers:

Phone: (612) 524 8784